Pull back the curtain on the story of how "A cup of T" came to fruition.

Before we really begin, I'd like to let you in behind the scenes of who I am and how “a Cup of T” came to be and the inspiration that brought it to fruition.
As a legal professional, I have often struggled with the rigidity of my career contrary to the creative spirit inside me. But as I have grown I have learned that the law is not as inflexible as one might think. The law and its application, comes down to interpretation. Perspective and interpretation and therefore application. Which is why lawyers are schooled to be very specific and intentional with the words we choose and I have come to realise, where creativity really soars – in writing! Being impactful with your written words is fundamental. I have always loved words. Words have the power to defeat and uplift, to diminish and to favour. The impact of carefully chosen words can leave you breathless, excited and greedy for more.
Another reason for my chosen path and a strength in the context, is that I am extremely analytical – a trait that is not always endearing and means that at any given time there are multitudes of thoughts flying through my mind. I am constantly searching for meaning and philosophy – as all things cannot simply “be” as they are. I believe that this can be healthy; constantly questioning and searching for answers and not merely accepting the narrative, leads to learning - which leads to growth and this, I believe, is my purpose.
“We will never stop growing if we never stop learning.”
Now that I have explained how my brain works, you will understand the need for me to put pen to paper to distinguish between the thoughts overwhelming my mind and to find the answers I so desperately seek to life’s sometimes inconceivable truths. To see everything written before me in black and white, helps me to put into perspective all the grey in between.
For as long as I can remember I dreamed of being a writer and as the times changed – a blogger. To share with anyone willing to listen, or read, my thoughts and ideas and life lessons learnt. My views on fashion; design and styling and sharing incredible tales of my adventures. I’ve always felt like I had SO much to share (and I do hope you find it worth sharing). However through the years I always found a way to put this dream off. I made endless excuses to not even start, not even try: from the standard excuses of limitations on time to the undeniable self-doubt and fear of failure.
“Why would anyone care what I have to say?”
I would follow influencer's and bloggers and daydream about being in their shoes, without putting in any effort to make it happen for myself. How would I know if I didn’t try?
So I finally did it [I guess it took a lock-down to finally get me here]; I quit the excuses and I just started – I started to write and once I started I could not stop – it’s as if all of the words inside me were hibernating and needed to be regurgitated all at once, I started reading and researching, I started watching “how-to” videos and started working on my blog site. The inspiration was seeping out of my veins. At the point of writing this - it is just a start but what I understand now is that I needed to see this through for me – to face the challenge, to have no regrets and hey, prove to myself that I could actually land this! So the “just”, really means much, much more.
I started a cup of T to share a piece of myself with the world and hopefully make an impact that matters. To do something I am absolutely passionate about, with the hope that sharing some of the lessons I have learnt along the way of trying to figure this life out (and I still am - trying!) would benefit someone who reads what I have written and have it resonate with them and maybe, just maybe knowing that you aren't alone, in whatever it is you are going through, would help. I hope that you’ll be inspired by my anecdotes or tips and tricks and styling advice and be empowered to express yourself through fashion and celebrate your uniqueness. Or maybe just have a laugh with me. Whatever it is, I am glad you are here.
Read more about the inspiration for the name on my next blog post: T anyone?
Grab a cup of tea and enjoy!